Today we were blessed with another great day!

About seven members of our team went to New Hope, a children's home close to the CCCD campus. Those team members had a great time playing and dancing with the little kids there!

The rest of us continued with our work projects, which included painting, repairing ceiling tiles, and starting work on a new driveway. The weather was beautiful, and as soon as we were done working we enjoyed the very intense CCCD soccer match.

Once the games were over, the team traipsed down the road, passed the farm animal pen, to a humongous tree (see picture of team in front of said tree).

The whole team immediately started climbing - thankfully no injuries occurred!
After climbing the tree we roasted dampers (tasty Jamaican dough) over a smoldering fire pit. The dinner was scrumptious! After dinner we met for devotions and debriefed about our day. 
We look forward to what God has in store for us tomorrow! 

Thanks again for your prayer and support!

Yours truly,

Seth, Matt, Cierra, Maranda, & Nate!
