Our first full day on the CCCD Campus has come to a close and we have so much to be thankful for! Would you take a moment to praise God with us that he provided travel safeties and an incredible first full day?
After our long bus ride, we unloaded our luggage, claimed beds, and shortly after had our first, much-anticipated meal on the CCCD Campus. The rest of the evening consisted of free time and team devotions. Team devotions will take place each evening as Jeremy guides us through the Word and Josh leads a few songs of worship.
After we said our goodbyes following the worship service, we headed back to CCCD for lunch. We had to eat somewhat fast since the bus driver was on his way to pick us up for our visit to the local infirmary. Jeremy encouraged our team to "abandon your reservations" and "be ready to love these people well" before we arrived. This was a much-needed reminder for us, as it was a very tough but life-changing opportunity the Lord dropped into our laps.
The rest of our evening was spent on the CCCD Campus as we had free time, team-building games, and devotions.
Keep praying!
Praying continually that God would open your eyes to what he has for each of you individually. That you would be aware of his speaking in each situation that he draws you into....remember that God is a reciprocal God..those who serve are often most served by those that they come to serve...there is no giver and recipient in Gods economy.. there are only recipients of Gods unending love that he gives each of us the privilege to be vessels of...susanross